Any woman who has ever discovered a lump in her breast knows the fear that accompanies it. Noone needs any barriers to stand in the way of having the tests needed for a diagnosis—insured or uninsured.
In the past, The Rose could be found on-line at www.The-Rose.org. Lots of people expressed that the hyphen made it hard to find us on the web. Thanks to Karen Black, The Rose now has a new home on the World Wide Web. Our website can now be found at www.TheRose.org.
Ms. Black, a cancer survivor herself, gave up the domain she had long dreamed to use for her own umbrella non-profit organization. “TheRose.org suits me well but your clients/patients will immediately benefit from the increased access to your site and services, “ she said.
Ms. Black has extensive family history of breast cancer and decided that the domain name meant more to our patients than to herself. "My mother had breast cancer twice (two separate mastectomies) and my grandmother and aunts died of it. It is hard to find a person who has not been touched personally by this horrible disease,” she said.
We cannot express how deeply we appreciate this gift from Ms. Black. This will surely increase awareness and access to our little place in cyberspace. Please look for major changes coming soon to The Rose.org.