Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tomball Resident Knows Meaning of “Survivor”

Lots of traits are passed down the family tree, going from one relative to the next.  For some families it’s a particular eye color. For others it’s a knack for a specific skill.

Unfortunately, for Donna Horn and her family members that shared commonality was a potentially deadly disease.

September 13, 2009 was the day when the mother of three learned her fate: she had breast cancer.

 "Mine was buried,” Horn said. “It didn’t show up until I was stage four.”

In total, seven of Horn’s loved ones have battled the disease, including her mother, three aunts, grandmother, older sister and even her daughter.

After the discovery of a lump on the right side of her lymph nodes, the Tomball resident decided to turn to The Rose for help.  The organization helped her with her care, providing further testing and facilitating a relationship with professionals at the MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Many would cower at the thought of having the invasive breast cancer but Horn did not idle in her plan for treatment. In fact, she opted for a double mastectomy without any hesitation, she said.

Horn would later undergo a grueling method of tackling the disease, including seven months of chemotherapy and seven weeks of daily radiation. 

“I knew I had options. It’s not a death sentence,” she said. “It used to be but not anymore. But the chemotherapy was the hardest. The first part of it was the worst.” 

All in all, it was her faith and support from those around her that got her through those tough times, according to Horn.

Nearly four years after her initial diagnosis, the retiree would later be informed of more life-changing news. Upon meeting with her doctor just three months ago on March 23rd, she was what he considered “free of the disease”.

Today, Horn looks back on her journey and says her experience was not an entirely negative. Having triumphed against breast cancer, she is now able to share her personal account and help others in their fight to survive.

Throughout all the ups and downs she faced, Horn says The Rose was a constant comfort.

“The Rose is a wonderful organization,” she said. “I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for them. They helped me through the worst part.”
Donna is one of the many women who The Rose celebrates for taking the time to think "Me2" and make their breast health care a priority.
Story by Satara Williams
Photo by Rustie Salazar of Breakaway Photography